LESSON #1: EITHER BUSINESS IS BAD OR PEOPLE ARE FINDING THEIR ENTERTAINMENT ELSEWHERE— I have found that in the box office business, trends rarely lie. Looking past inflation and price changes, the reported actual ticket sale counts are alarming according to the year-end news reported in several places. A six percent drop is telling but not drastic. “Lowest in 25 years” is a whole other thing. To me, as I’ve stated in this column frequently, it’s all about the price point for family dollars. The wave of unlimited TV and streaming options available at high quality and far lower costs than it takes to bring the average family of four to the multiplex with refreshments is becoming a no-brainer for those cost-minded folks.
LESSON #2: SPEAKING OF BUSINESS, APPLE MIGHT HAVE A COUNTERPUNCH TO DISNEY— Once Disney bought 21st Century Fox, they gained controlling percentage of Hulu Plus at the same time as they’ve been positioning to launch their own dedicated streaming platforms. The target was placed on Netflixes back, especially after the Mouse House pulled all of their content off the platform to bring under their own roof. Netflix might have found a benefactor and powerful one. According to reports sourced by Citi, Apple is angling to buy Netflix with a billion dollar price tag. Throw Amazon’s power in there, and this WWE triple threat match in a streaming ring just got big
LESSON #3: SPEAKING OF BUSINESS, KEEPING ADVOCATING FOR EQUAL PAY ACROSS GENDERS— You can try to slice it, refocus the points, or pretend to justify the reasons however you want, but the Mark Wahlberg/Michelle Williams All the Money in the World compensation disparity story that broke this week is kind of sh-tty no matter which way you play it. It just flat-out looks bad. I’m glad it’s getting investigated by the union (Screen Actors Guild). I keep the benefit of the doubt going that good faith is out there or that contracts are this and other contracts are that. For that to remain, a positive outcome (with a rolled head or two) must arrive or this will only incite more from an already fractured female demographic, and rightfully so.
LESSON #4: WE HAVE TO CONSIDER THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI A FULL-FLEGED OSCAR CONTENDER NOW— To me, the Golden Globes have been a joke, are a joke, and will remain a joke with some of their category distinctions, silly nominees, and oddball choices. That said, the Golden Globes aren’t the only awards Sam Rockwell, Frances McDormand, and Martin McDonagh’s film are sweeping up. The two actors have been surging and now stand as legitimate co-frontrunners with Willem Dafoe (The Florida Project) and Sally Hawkins (The Shape of Water) who have dominated the Best Supporting Actor and Best Actress categories. These dark horses aren’t so pitch black anymore. By the way, you know which Golden Globe winner is not a real contender? James Franco. Via con dios, dude.
LESSON #5: THE STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI HATERS ARE GOING TO BE BUTTHURT FOR A LONG TIME— …and it’s going to be agonizing to deal with them. Most of the haters are just harmless snobs and sub-trolls. Their rants and forgettable and carry weak traction, like silly petitions to remove the latest film from canon. However, some of them take it too far. This recent story of Kelly Marie Tran dealing with racist and sexist comments is a prime example. That’s the kind of crap that goes too far and isn’t “fansmanship” nitpicking over water cooler talk anymore. That’s the hurtful garbage that needs to go and get a life.
LESSON #6: CIRCLE BACK TO THE BEST OF 2017— Rotten Tomatoes closed the 2017 calendar with their list of 100% Tomatometer films. Seven titles never received a bad review. Use JustWatch to seek them out in this boring and empty annual moviegoing wasteland known as January. Liam Neeson flicks can only keep your attention so long. If you want more films after those seven, you’ve got five top-ten lists right here on Feelin’ Film from your hosts and contributors.
DON SHANAHAN is a Chicago-based film critic writing on his website Every Movie Has a Lesson. As an elementary educator by day, Don writes his movie reviews with life lessons in mind, from the serious to the farcical. He is a proud member and one of the founders of the Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle. As a contributor here on Feelin’ Film, he’s going to expand those lessons to current movie news and trends. Find “Every Movie Has a Lesson” on Facebook, Twitter, Medium, and Creators Media.