Episode 074: Jurassic Park

We kick off book-to-movie month with arguably the best summer blockbuster ever made. Jurassic Park is one of those special films that evokes such a sense of awe and wonder that it captures the imaginations of adults and children alike. We talk through some of the present themes and reminisce about our own experiences with this Steven Spielberg masterpiece.

What We’ve Been Up To 0:04:47

Jurassic Park Review – 0:20:32

The Connecting Point – 1:14:11


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    Intro/Outro Music – “Air Hockey Saloon” by Chris Zabriskie

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Episode 3: Dinosaurs

In this episode of Tabletop Flix, the crew discusses an iconic movie and its recent sequel plus a whole lot of games all with the common theme of dinosaurs.

Games: STOMP-EDE, DinoParty, Raptor
Movies: Jurassic Park, Jurassic World


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Intro/Outro Music – “Do the Pump” by Mr. Juan

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