FF+ Dark Phoenix, Secret Life of Pets 2, Kings of Summer, and Video Games

In this episode of FF+ we have spoiler-free reviews of two films opening this week and one that’s a handful of years older. We also chat about video games, what we’re playing and what we’re looking forward to.


New For You 

Dark Phoenix 0:06:33

The Secret Life of Pets 2 – 0:14:20

The Kings of Summer – 0:18:40


In the News

Video Games Chat – 0:26:15


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Music: City Sunshine – Kevin MacLeod

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MOVIE REVIEW: The Secret Life of Pets 2

I laughed harder during THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 than at any other film this year and emerged from the theater with tears in my eyes because of it. The film doesn’t break new ground, but I’ll own it and watch a dozen more times for sure. Take the family! 😻


Aaron White is a Seattle-based film critic and co-creator/co-host of the Feelin’ Film Podcast. He is also a member of the Seattle Film Critics Society. He writes reviews with a focus on the emotional experience he has with a film. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter to be notified when new content is posted.