Episode 379: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

It’s new turtles for a new generation, with some twists on origin stories as well for both friends and foe. These teenagers act, talk, and look their age more than they ever have before and a dynamic but raw sketch-like art style makes for a visually interesting cinematic experience. There’s plenty of action and jokes to go around and we’re glad to report that this is one reboot we’re completely onboard for.

* Note – full spoilers in effect for entire episode *

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Episode 378: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

We’ve got turtle madness so before enjoying the newest animated adventure of the four ninja brothers next week, we decided to take a look back at a film we absolutely loved when we were both 11 years old. With its practical effects, puppets, and costumes, there’s some incredibly charming (and silly) about this version of the property, and we still find plenty worth praising that has held up just fine over 30 years and despite numerous new imaginings of the same characters.

* Note – full spoilers in effect for entire episode *

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FF+ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

The skateboarding, pizza-eating teenage mutant ninja turtles are back for a new generation in new animated film. Kicking off what is likely to be a multi-film and TV series franchise, this reboot quickly goes over the origin story and gets right into the dynamic action with the four brothers facing off against mutants that want to rule the world. It’s got modern jokes aplenty and a gorgeous stylistic animated style, resulting in a fantastic new introduction to one of the coolest crime-fighting teams ever imagined.

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Music: Upbeat Party – Scott Holmes Music

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FF+ Batman vs. TMNT, Batman: Hush, To Binge or Not, and Top 3 Fantasy Team-ups

In this week’s episode of FF+, we review the newest DC Animated film as well as react to the trailer for what’s coming next from that studio. We also have a conversation about how people consume serial shows and whether binge-watching is the best way to go or not. And we wrap up by having a bit of fun and sharing our Top 3 Fantasy Team-ups in honor of the Batman/Ninja Turtle cross-over event.


New For You 

Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  0:02:04


Trailer Talk

Batman: Hush – 0:16:55


In the News

To Binge or Not to Binge? – 0:23:57


Just For Fun

Top 3 Fantasy Team-ups


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Music: City Sunshine – Kevin MacLeod

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