Episode 399: National Treasure & National Treasure: Book of Secrets

For our final film review episode, we dig into a series that features many of the things we love – treasure hunting adventure, heists, fantastic supporting characters, and a simplicity/restraint that we rarely see in big budget movies today. Come join us for a fun discussion about a franchise that may be small, but is absolutely mighty.

* Note – full spoilers in effect for entire episode *

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MOVIE REVIEW: The Lion King (2019)

This remake of my favorite animated film of all-time was coming up against some very high expectations, and despite being only my third favorite version (behind the original and theater musical), it is nonetheless an outstanding telling of this story in its own spectacular way.


Aaron White is a Seattle-based film critic and co-creator/co-host of the Feelin’ Film Podcast. He is also a member of the Seattle Film Critics Society. He writes reviews with a focus on the emotional experience he has with a film. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter to be notified when new content is posted.